A review by desiree_mcl
Playing Easy to Get by Jaid Black, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kresley Cole


Turn Up the Heat by Sherrilyn Kenyon - 2.5-3 stars. Parts of this story were 4 stars, other parts were 2. I enjoyed up to when they slept together but then everything else just fell kind of flat for me. I didn't understand why Allison's boss was supposed to be such a jerk. All I saw him doing was telling her to do certain things that I would assume would be part of her job. Also I didn't fully believe her change when all the real action started happening. Normally I really love what SK brings to a story but I will admit that the B.A.D. series is my least favorite series of hers.

Hunter's Oath by Jaid Black 3 stars. Never read Jaid Black before but I liked this one. There wasn't much going on however and I didn't feel a huge attachment to either of the characters. It bothered me though that the women were kidnapped to be brides for these Vikings and I it made me a little uncomfortable that all these women eventually accept this new life, there's a Stockholm Syndrome feel to the story. Although I also understand why Sofia stayed with Johen...kind of. She has no family left alive but doesn't she have any friends? Wouldn't they be wondering where she went? Anyway, it was an ok story and I'll read more by JB in the future.

The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresely Cole 4-4.5 stars. I really liked this one. It wasn't a favorite of the series but it was still very enjoyable. After reading all the little moments between Nikolai and Myst in all the other books I really wanted to read this one. And even though much of what is in this story has been mentioned in later books in the IAD series it's still a good idea to read this one. My only complaint, I wish these two got a full length novel. Other than that, this was a great read.