A review by violethazel
Books do Furnish a Life: An electrifying celebration of science writing by Richard Dawkins

Did not finish book. Stopped at 42%.
aaaarghhh i hate this book. from literally the first page i was struck by dawkins' pompousness and terrible attitude, and it only got worse throughout the book. he shows his age, that's for sure - bigotry's not a great look, richard. some of the writing was interesting, but the format was repetitive and in every essay/foreword/article he managed to bring it back to himself. no one cares! and the little comments that he made every couple of essays - putting accusations of racism in air quotes when talking about dr. dolittle, supporting a transphobe - made it even more frustrating to read. he is so convinced of his own rightness in every single thing that he writes that it is irritating and frustrating to read, and he comes across as a selfish, pompous, holier-than-thou bigot. his derision towards non-scientists is clear, and he makes no effort in reducing this. if you ever see me reading a richard dawkins book again, it will be under threat of death. no thank you.