A review by thepagelady
A Bend of Light by Joy Jordan-Lake


Book Review…A Bend of Light by Joy Jordan Lake

Five years after the war, Amie Stilwell returns home. Jobless and discouraged but stubbornly resourceful. Waiting for her is Shibby Travis, the friend Amie never lost touch with. But the unexpected also awaits. An abandoned boy, a Boston socialite found dead in Amie’s barn and an old friend, believed to be a casualty of war, suddenly reappears. Trained to see what others cannot, to scan for clues, and to expose enemies, Amie uses her skills to protect a child, solve a crime, and find the motive behind a veteran’s masquerade.

This was an interesting story. Amie is a photographic interpreter. She would take pictures behind enemy lines and would then analyze each photo to see where weapons could be hidden or where soldiers could be hidden.i never knew they did this so it was really interesting to read about. The story flows really well, the characters are wonderful and I liked the touch of romance added to the mystery! It's an engaging historical fiction story that captures you till the very end! Thank you Get Red PR and Joy Jordan Lake for sharing this book with me!