A review by grilledcheesesamurai
Infinity by Jason Latour, Adam Kubert, Mike Deodato, Nick Spencer, Dustin Weaver, Cory Petit, Ive Svorcina, Marco Checchetto, Edgar Delgado, Chris Eliopoulos, Guillermo Ortego, John Livesay, Frank Martin, Paul Mounts, David Curiel, Laura Martin, Rock-He Kim, Jonathan Hickman, Joe Sabino, Jerome Opeña, Sunny Gho, Justin Ponsor, Clayton Cowles, Dave Meikis, Rain Beredo, Joe Caramagna, Gerry Alanguilan, Augustin Alessio, Mark Morales, Jim Cheung


4.5 stars. Although because of this panel, I am actually giving it a 5.


I mean really - Thor laying the beat-down on Thanos...!? I swear if I wasn't a manly man I would have squealed when I saw that panel.

*spoiler*I squealed like a bitch!*spoiler*

The big Marvel events scare me. I hate buying into the hype only to be let down on the execution. I hate cash grabs and lackluster storylines. Really...I just hate water downed, redundant, empty bullshit! Thankfully, Infinity not only delivered a good reading experience, but it more or less gave me a cosmic smack upside my head and filled me up on my sci-fi, epic, spacey, goodness fix!

However, to be fair, to properly enjoy this event you really do need to read Avengers and The New Avengers alongside it to get the full scope of things. I normally harp and whine about how the 'Big Two' always make us buy multiple books to fully enjoy a story, but in the case of Infinity, well, both of those Avengers titles were freaking awesome so I am willing to overlook this.

It doesn't get a heck of a lot more dire than what is going on with Infinity! Earth is being threatened on so many fronts that it's kind of hard to see any way out of its predicament(s). Big, bad-ass, invincible(nearly) scary dudes are in space trying to stir up shit. Thanos is on Earth being a dick and trashing everything he can, and alternate universes are colliding threatening the end of...well...everything.

The destruction of entire planets, desperate space battles, sinister team-ups, wicked villains, political machinations, and some seriously kick-ass battle theaters! This book delivered in spades. Not even to mention the cast of characters rolled into all of this! I loved how eclectic the amalgamation of heroes and villains were. I mean really - how cool is Ebony Maw? Love that character and that's just one example of many.

Anyways...YAY MARVEL. You have given me the exact kind of Superhero story I was hoping for with this one and you have accomplished your goal in making me a regular reader of both of your Avengers books, as well as hooking me in for the Secret Wars event coming this summer.

Well played.