A review by celjla212
The Unquiet by Jeannine Garsee


3.5 Stars...

Rinn Jacobs has just moved with her mom to a small Ohio town after a tragedy in their hometown in California left her grandmother dead. Rinn is now medicated and comfortably numb.

Soon, she makes friends, who tell her that not only is their school haunted by a girl who drowned in the school's pool, but the girl's grandmother hanged herself in the very room where Rinn sleeps. Creepy and horrific things start happening to Rinn's friends. She must decide if it's really a ghost, or if she's still crazy and hearing the voices in her head...

I found this book pretty easy to read and I finished it quickly. The mood of the book was somber, but the language was light and conversations flowed nicely.

Rinn is supremely likable, very honest, and pretty unguarded for someone who went through what she did. She seems to see herself as an outcast, but it didn't take her long to make friends and start dating a cute guy.

It was really interesting to read a book where the main character suffered from a mental illness. Especially at the Young Adult level. I feel like many teens may suffer from mental illnesses and not even know about it. To have a book where the main character is bipolar at least lets teens know there are others out there like them.

The ghost aspect of this story was pretty creepy, I must admit. Though of course for a non-believer like myself, I had to suspend my disbelief while reading this book. The scholar in me was trying to figure out the scientific reasons behind why all the otherworldly things were happening.

The book gradually builds suspense up to a bloody crescendo. But it totally lost me at the end. I'm still not 100 % sure what happened after that Christmas concert in that pool room. But, like I said....disbelief has to be suspended for me to enjoy a ghost story.

If you like ghost stories and really believe, I would recommend this book to you. If you're more of the scientific type...skip it.