A review by etienne02
Haiku Illustrated: Classic Japanese Short Poems by Hart Larrabee, Yosa Buson, Kobayashi Issa, Matsuo Bashō, Masaoka Shiki


Very great haiku book. It was great for various reason. The art was great, the way the haiku were presented was awesome, they always have one picture, and the haiku written in three way, the alphabetical Japanese, the English version and the original Japanese writing with their own «writing» not sure how to call it, but not the alphabetical one. So that was good in itself, but what was even better was the selection of haiku from, probably the most popular and talented haiku author like Basho, Buson, Issa, Shiki and I think there a few more... Very good, very well edited and totally worth checking it out if you're into those kind of book (haiku or poetry).