A review by mistled
Ninjak Volume 1: Weaponeer by Matt Kindt


Do you remember Ninjak? No? He was part of the Valiant line back in '94 with Bloodshot and X-O Manowar. While looking up this one on GR, I found the trade for the original series that I haven't read since they were released. In one of the reviews for that, the person makes the negative comment that "Ninjak as a character is fairly dull; James Bond with Ninja skills, basically."

So to counter that, let me tell you about Ninjak. He's James Bond with ninja skills, basically. What else could you want? Other people compare him to Batman, except that he kills people, if that helps. Personally, I think the spy slant is much stronger than the gadgets that point towards Batman, but that's just me.

This is a spy book. With ninjas. And magic. James Bond with ninja skills. Basically.