A review by rose_v
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch


I’m honestly not sure what to rate this, because I did have a good time reading it, but it wasn’t WOW SO AMAZING!! Some parts didn’t grab my attention as much but on the other hand I think I’ll be thinking about this book for a while or I’ll think back on it every once in a while. 

Anyway I did like this story and I loved the concept. I haven’t read any book about the multiverse yet and it was interesting to read. I also liked that I understood the physics on some level, because obviously this isn’t possible (yet?) but based on what we know it made sense. It wasn’t just randomly made up. 

<<<<<<SPOILERSS >>>>>>
I do have something that bothers me and that is this: If there are like 72 Jason’s in this Chicago because they all split from the original Jason trying to escape and taking different paths….. then why weren’t there Jason’s that split form Jason2?? Like he also spent some time wandering through doors until he found the one he was looking for, so there should be a lot of versions from him too. And since Jason2 was also looking for this Chicago, then shouldn’t the other versions of him have found this too? Like the ones from the original Jason found the right place? 

Maybe there is an explanation for this, but to me it just seems like a big plothole. I’ll try to find an answer to it.