A review by kimdavishb
Called to Justice by Edith Maxwell


The reader is transported to Amesbury, Massachusetts in 1888. Oh my, what an eye opening book this was and makes me realize how much we take every day conveniences and medical, technological, and social advances for granted! The author brings the life of a midwife to full view in an era before technology, modern medicine and hospitals. The perils that can befall the newborn and new mothers alike are treated with compassion and grace. I found myself hoping for the best in each birth the protagonist, Rose Carroll, attended and my heart stopped when things didn’t go as expected. The author also gives the reader a charming peek into the Quaker’s lifestyle along with an uglier look at the bigotry and prejudices against other races and against women during that time period. I think it’s a good reminder, despite all the political and social upheaval our country is experiencing, that we have made great strides in becoming a better nation, a better people.

Edith expertly weaves the historical details and social mindset of the late 1800’s into a good mystery that keeps a reader guessing about who would have wanted to kill the unwed, pregnant teen. Rose Carroll is a believable protagonist as she searches for justice, not only for the murdered girl but for the wrongly accused man. I enjoyed Rose’s character very much — she is a good role model not only for the 1800’s but for current day too! She isn’t afraid to defy conventional customs governing young ladies and instead focuses on doing what she knows to be the right thing to do. All in all, CALLED TO JUSTICE is a fascinating read with a satisfying mystery!

I was provided a copy with the hopes I would review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.