A review by namitakhanna
The Marriage Pact by Michelle Richmond


The Marriage Pact is a creepy psychological thriller by Michelle Richmond

Jake is a therapist and Alice, a musician turned attorney, who receive an invitation to join The Pact as a wedding present . On joining The Pact they receive a Manual that has a list of rules and regulations that they have to follow so as to keep their marriage happy and intact. If there are some infractions punishments are meted out ranging from mild to severe. The Pact is extreme and everywhere but once you join there is no escape from this cult like group.

The book started off real well and I enjoyed Michelle Richmond’s writing .The concept is interesting and it did keep me intrigued but fell short of my expectations. The story is narrated from only Jake’s point of view and leaves Alice’s perspective out of the picture. The part that really bothered me was Jake was portrayed as this perfect husband and Alice trying to prove herself worthy of his love. The ending was anticlimactic as well thus my rating 3 stars .

Many thanks to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine Bantam & NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.

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