A review by ellelainey
Frostbite by Alexandria Bellefleur


Book – Frostbite
Author – Alexandria Bellefleur
Star rating - ★★★★★
Word Count – 18k
Cover – Gorgeous!
POV – 3rd person, one character
Would I read it again – Yes!
Genre – LGBT, Fairytale, Fantasy, Short


Captivating. That's the only word I can think of to describe what I just read. Captivating and beautiful.

From the characterisation to the evocative storytelling, there wasn't one thing I didn't love. This is a true fairytale, from the setting, language and execution, to the plot and characterisation. The story is one of those timeless things where it doesn't have to be past, present or future, because it could be any of them, so easily.

Rainor was this sweet, smart kid who is optimistic, brave and hopeful in ways that others aren't; he's aware enough to see what others miss and looks beyond the surface, even beyond his own fear. Drachen is his opposite; a pessimist from experience, afraid to leave his comfort zone and trying to do what is right while being considered a monster, he is the recluse who was chased away by a society who didn't understand him. Together, this pair are amazing. A beautiful, perfect couple who share their secrets and experience a true romance, with some heat, that I could happily read again and again.

I'll happily read this again in the future and I'll be eagerly keeping an eye out for more stories by Bellefleur.


Favourite Quote

“Run all you want, Rainor, but expect I'll follow.”