A review by shanepunk
Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World by Edward W. Said


Very detailed. I would recommend only if you are very fascinated in a topic but actually, I think I would have enjoyed it more if besides of being deeply interested in the Middle East and various religions, I was passionate about journalism. The names mentioned in the book rarely said anything to me. I recognized Thomas L. Friedman because I have previously read his collection of columns. It feels like Said used to have very strong opinions on the USA, maybe negative ones, for sure when it comes to the government and he justifies this view in a very meaningful and eye-opening way. I am glad I have read this book, still cannot wait to dive into "Orientalism", which I have a feeling, I will enjoy more than this one. However, I am still willing to admit that I was most of the times intrigued, even shocked which does not happen a lot for me when I read books.