A review by bookph1le
CyberStorm by Matthew Mather


I'm pretty perplexed by this book's high overall rating. It's not bad, but it's prone to a lot of sins that make it a chore to read at times. Spoilers ahead.

For one, rather than showing the reader what happens during a big, crucial plot point, the story often picks up afterward, with Mike recapping the events for us. The first time this happened, I was willing to give the book the benefit of the doubt, but then it happened other times and it became a real annoyance to me.

While I did find the survival aspects of the tale really compelling, I found the overall plot far-fetched to the point of stretching my suspension of disbelief. A lot of very convoluted things happen, which are summarized at the end of the book, and I found this quite annoying as well.

The characters in this book are given to a lot of philosophical discussions. A LOT of them. Thsi isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but it never rang true with me here. I felt too much like the author had a big point he wanted to make, so he had the characters toss around some debates to help illustrate those points.

Because of these debates, this book takes a long, long time to kick off. I became a lot more invested when disaster struck and the pace started picking up, but I found the beginning sections a long slog.

All in all, this just wasn't for me.