A review by corncobwebs
Kill Grandma For Me by Jim DeFelice

I could not pass up buying a book with this title. Thank you Bucket O'Blood!

It may be one of the trashiest books I've ever read, but we're at Pitchfork this weekend and I needed something that requires little concentration and also doesn't matter if beer gets spilled on it. I feel a little self-conscious reading it in front of all the hipsters, but the good thing about being in your thirties is that you give less of a shit. I'll write more of a review when I'm done!


Done! Poor book is also done, because it got soaked during the scary thunderstorm at Pitchfork today. It was actually better/more substantive than I thought it would be. It wasn't just a timeline of events - there was also some relatively astute commentary that I agreed with. Namely, the author posits that you can't point to one factor as the prevailing motive for the murder; it was a combination of a whole slew of things that made these kids act the way they did. I was glad the author didn't just paint them as horrible teenagers. That would have been easy to do, but it certainly doesn't tell the whole story. Instead, DeFelice holds society largely responsible, saying that other people/institutions should have stepped in when it became clear that Evans and Gardner were slipping. There was a good quote towards the end about how we're all responsible to each other, but I can't copy it since the book is too waterlogged.

I guess true crime books are the Amy equivalent of a "beach read," and as such, it served me well!