A review by cindyc3689
Aliens on Vacation by Clete Barrett Smith, Christian Slade


This e-book had been resided on my cellphone like forever, and every now and then I read it 2-3 pages (that is when I really don't have anything else to read). But somehow, few days ago, I decided that it was time to finished it, so there it was.....

David a.k.a. Scrub was sent to his Grandma through summer vacation. Little did he know that b&b which Grandma run was really a tourist spot.... for intergalactic race that is. While the tourists themselves were quite handful, a curious girl and a suspicious sheriff added to that mix, making David summer job never easy and far from boring.

The story itself was ok, the characters and descriptions of the tourists were interesting, but that was it. Nothing more. And I didn't really fond with the ending, especially las letter David sent to his friend Tyler. I think he was too cocky and over confident. Sooooo teenager!