A review by jilld1205
My Butterfly by Laura Miller


Oh good freaking lord. [a:Laura Miller|183852|Laura Miller|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1252031376p2/183852.jpg] has managed yet again to turn me into a crying fool with her epilogue alone!! How she writes such completely eloquent and beautiful endings is just beyond me.

I put this book off for a while simply because of the premise alone. I absolutely LOVED [b:Butterfly Weeds|15789177|Butterfly Weeds|Laura Miller|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1344217267s/15789177.jpg|21440359], but I already knew the story, so I wasn't overly anxious to re-read it just from a different POV. However, what the readers don't know before beginning this book, is that while yes it occurs simultaneously to the first book, we are not just given the same stories flipped. Will's story tells us about events in their relationship that we didn't get in Butterfly Weeds. Some of the stories from that book are referenced, and some of the more impactful ones (i.e. the New Year's party) obviously were still included, but it was in many ways like reading a new story.

This duo of books is just so beyond well done. I am in such awe of the authors who really bring out such raw emotion and in such beautiful ways. This is an author with true talent, and I admire and thank her for what she has given to us as readers. Amazing.