A review by laurenkara
The Batman Adventures: Mad Love by Paul Dini


I'm still a baby when it comes to comics. I've only been reading them for a year give or take and I'm even newer to the DC world. I have never read a solo batman comic or a superman comic and I while I don't really plan on changing that I absolutely love Harley Quinn and she is the reason why I decided to leave my comfort zone of Marvel and venture over to DC. The more I read about her the more I fell in love with her. She is honestly one of the greatest characters I've seen. She is so incredibly complexed and layered and even though she appears on the surface as absolutely insane there is so much more to her than that and she is actually incredibly relatable at times. I know she's far from innocent, but seeing how Joker treats her breaks my heart and it hurts even more when you realise their relationship is an extremely accurate portrayal of a real life abusive relationship. It really breaks my heart because Harley does deserve so much better. I also think this is one of the oldest comics that I've read, but it felt like it could have been published yesterday which I think is amazing and shows how ageless the story it's telling is. Anyway, while I still don't think I'll be picking up any Batman solo comics anytime soon I did really enjoy this - well I didn't enjoy seeing my girl Harley so broken, but you know what I mean.