A review by trackofwords
Blood of Iax by Robbie MacNiven


Blood brothers Kastor and Polixis – Chaplain and Apothecary respectively – are part of Strike Force Fulminata, and are taking the fight to the invading orks on Ikara IX when the tide turns and Imperial forces hurriedly go on the defensive. The arrival of ork warlord Urgork changes everything, especially as his objectives go beyond simply finding the biggest scrap possible – the canny Urgork has a plan, and it involves Polixis.

While it’s not the most complex of plots, the relationship between Kastor and Polixis and the way it’s tested by Urgork’s mad plan is entertaining enough to keep things interesting and engaging, while the multiple viewpoints help by adding context and variation. Although things arguably start off a little slowly, with a large part of the book given over to the setup before things really kick into gear, the varied perspectives ensure that the momentum is maintained, and the final third is action-packed and great fun. The orks are a welcome bonus in what’s ostensibly an Ultramarines novel, and as a whole it’s a solid, entertaining story.

Read the full review at https://www.trackofwords.com/2018/10/24/blood-of-iax-robbie-macniven/