A review by bookishmadness
The Disgrace of Kitty Grey by Mary Hooper


What I thought: I was so very excited to read The Disgrace of Kitty Grey, for I absolutely love historical fiction - so I went in with very high expectations. Unfortunately, all this caused was serious disappointment. It's not often that I give books such low ratings, but I kept hoping as I read that maybe the book would redeem itself somehow. Kitty Grey is a milk maid, and she's happy with the life she's been given. She is in love with Will, the river ferry-man and believes they will be married. But after Will disappears, leaving his little sister in Kitty's care, she takes the opportunity to travel to London to look for him. From there, Kitty and Betsey enter a (almost ridiculous) chain of events, eventuating in gaol time and boarding a ship to Australia as a disgraced woman.

This novel certainly had it's good moments, but unfortunately I found that they were too few and far between.

The Good: Kitty is a strong character, and that gives the story most of it's leverage.

The Bad: I was bored after the first 50 pages and it was a serious struggle to read the rest of the story.

Rating: 2 bookstacks