A review by labunnywtf
Fateful by Claudia Gray


First recommendation I've gotten from our YA librarian. I am absolutely fascinated by the plot line. Werewolves on the Titanic? For real? I feel like if I don't read it, it'll haunt me for months.

But...it's werewolves on the Titanic. The reviews on GR seem positive, but the quality of those reviews keeps me from being hopeful.

Here goes nothing.



I hate when a perfectly good book has a ridiculous ending. And this one fits the bill.

I was surprised by how much I liked this book. It is absolutely unheard of for me to like a book heavy with love story, but the love story here really did get me. Not a small feat.

Tess is a really great character. Raised in poverty, subservient to horrible, horrible people. She fights to improve her life, and it really warmed those heart cockles. Even Irene, the wet blanket character, comes to her own, though with a rather inconvenient end.

This book is so well written, that I forgot how the story of Titanic ends. You get so emotionally invested in these people, in their lives, that you start to think, "Wow, she's going to really do something with her life." or "I wonder who she's going to end up married to."

And then...oh. Right. Titanic.

That makes my respect for this author grow even more.

But then she throws in that stupid, overly convenient ending. COME ON! It left an awful taste in my mouth, and was not the way I wanted that damn novel to end. Dammit.