A review by ameserole
How to Ruin a Summer Vacation by Simone Elkeles


I must be in the summer-ish mood since I wanted to read this book.

I was also kind of excited because I wanted to know how this character was going to ruin a vacation. I have personally ruined tons of vacations (not necessarily all in the summer) due to being sick. Name any family vacation - I've been sick. Like the plague kind of sickness that basically ruins all of the fun for my family. IT'S NOT MY FAULT MOM AND DAD.

They probably got my sick in the first place. Pftt .. adults.

Now reading this book, I didn't really like the MC. So I probably wont read the second book... yet. Amy was so god damn annoying. She was bitchy, beyond moody, and completely selfish. AND OH MY GOD ALL OF THE DAMN WHINING SHE DID.

Back to my vacations, when I was sick I didn't whine once. Nope, because my parents would give me a god damn shot of Nyquil. A SHOT PEOPLE. I was passed out in like 2 seconds (long enough to get my ass in bed).

Other than Amy being in the book, I really enjoyed it. I've never been to Israeli and I thought learning the culture was nice. I just wish I got a different MC that's all.