A review by sasha_in_a_box
Cecil the Pet Glacier by Matthea Harvey, Giselle Potter


I chose this as part of an assignment for my children's lit class: read a real book and an ebook to some children, rope them in from the streets in necessary! The six-year-old twins and their eight-year-old sister who were passing by in my neighborhood were easily bribed with leftover snicker-doodle cupcakes from the best Friendsgiving of all time, despite the melting frosting. Maybe the mess was part of the appeal, who knows.

So we read the story of Cecil, a baby glacier who attaches himself to Ruby, a girl who just wants to be left alone by the weird things her parents keep introducing into her life and be normal. A dog would be a much better companion to her 3 identical dolls than a leaky pebble-eating glacier. But (SPOILERS!) his loyalty wins her over and Ruby learns that it's okay to be a little strange sometimes. Awwww.
I picked this one obviously because the title is amazing and I love green, and when I pulled it up on my GR app at the library, I remembered that karen is also a fan, so I was convinced and didn't pick up any other books. Good thing the kids liked it! They thought that the glacier creaking when happy was hysterical and went around making their own toys creak afterwards, which was adorable. Then things quickly devolved into toy-chucking chaos and then resulting somehow in the six-year-old boy twin asking to kiss me, so we wrapped it up rather immediately after. My essay natch got a 100% score so what I'm trying to say is that if you listen to karen, Queen of Goodreads, and read her favorite picture books to children, you will acquire many admirers and A's. Also, there are 15 different tiaras in the book - I know because we counted, loudly. You're welcome, world.