A review by posies23
Bad Karma by B. Clay Moore, Seth Peck, Jeremy Haun, Alex Grecian


This is the first volume in a promised series of graphic novels which takes its cue from some shared-world anthologies (BORDERWORLD, LLAVEK, WILD CARDS, etc.). It showcases short stories by different creative teams, which give the reader short glimpses at stories in the lives of several protagonists, with hints at connections between the protagonists, antagonists, and the world they inhabit. All sorts of genres are represented, with some really imaginative genre-bending going on, which I quite enjoyed.

There really isn't a bad story in the bunch, and there are hints at great things to come. The creative team is strong and varied. The art is top-notch, and the production values are strong. There's not a lot of closure, but I wouldn't expect there to be much in the first volume of an ongoing series.

I'm definitely hooked, and look forward to future volumes!