A review by motherofallbats
The Venus Complex by Barbie Wilde


I have an undying appreciation for stories that are creatively unpleasant, and this is easily one of the most creatively unpleasant things I've ever read. The back cover compares it to American Psycho, which made me scoff and roll my eyes before my reading commenced. Now that I've ingested the whole thing, though, it's actually a very astute comparison. I don't think I've ever read a book this wholeheartedly dedicated to exploring such a thoroughly repulsive and irredeemable character since American Psycho. In terms of sexually violent stories it actually eclipses Poppy Z. Brite's Exquisite Corpse, the book I'd previously held as an untouchable benchmark for such literature. Although I still think Exquisite Corpse is the more finely written book, Wilde's novel eclipses it in terms of sheer ballsy nerve.

As the preceding comparisons might have tipped you off, this is the kind of highly positive review that should probably come with a disclaimer. Like, don't read this just because I'm giving it five stars. If spending 230 pages deep in the mindset of a misogynistic necrophiliac serial killer doesn't sound like your thing then you should probably disregard this review. If, though, you have an appreciation for works that serve up artistry and disgust with equal proportion, this might be for you.