A review by vondav
The Horror Collection: Gold Edition by Mike Duke, J. C. Michael, Amy Cross


As soon as I know there is a new anthology from KJK Publishing I will pre-order regardless of the theme.
The Paperboy by Amy Cross: As the paper is being delivered, one resident has an unhealthy obsession with his paperboy. Will seeing his eyes explain what’s going on? The descriptive style has you wondering what exactly had happened to the resident and was is he obsessed with the paperboy’s eyes. It is not till the end do you find out what exactly happened.
The Man who Lost Paradise by JC Michael: A drug addict is hunting for the ultimate fix, but what he has to do is worse than Hell. This story does not romanticise drug taking, it shows just how bad it can be. The main character had no qualms of doing what he wanted to, to get his next fix and due to his circumstances found it all too easy. However, halfway through the story, I actually started to feel sorry for him and I could understand what he wanted to achieve.
The September Laments of Annaleigh by Matthew Brockmeyer: A family trying to survive living in the wilderness. From the start this had a dystopian feel, a family living off the land and eating what they catch, but as the story continues you soon realise that there is something not right with them. Think of the families in all your favourite horror films, but it’s not just the family that you need to worry about but what is kept in the sty.
Flesh by Kevin J Kennedy: Two tribes have learnt to adapt by living underground. As I was reading this I was imagining the Morlock. Whilst you think this is a story about cannibalism, the dead have a unique way of fighting back. As the story is set underground it has a claustrophobic feel to it and that all is lost.
At Peace Now? By Lex H Jones: Ethan has important news for everyone. As you start this story this feels like a quest in an epic fantasy. Scattered throughout is the story behind him being there. Not much is known about the creature who is following him, but it all comes dangerously clear at the end.
Ghost Train by Mike Duke: A train crashing into a school bus killing many, triggered regular hauntings. Years on people are still talking about the ghostly train. Now four boys want to see if the stories are true. The bond between the four boys was as strong as brothers. When one of them was in danger whether it was from bullies or the train, they all fought together. This is a coming of age story with a great ending.
As this book has 6 stories, I read it pretty quickly and I need to congratulate KJK on another good author selection. Without a theme, there is a good mixture of horror and whilst I still had a favourite, I enjoyed reading them all. I’m looking forward to what will come next from KJK publishing