A review by evnlibrarian
Batman: Faces by Joe R. Lansdale, Matt Wagner


Just a short review: Batman takes on Two Face, who concocts a plot in which he recruits or conscripts a slew of others with deformities (think classic circus freaks) for his own personal nation. The thing that pushes it from a rather odd, surreal book to a memorable one is the climax, which I'll just say BRUTALLY takes Two Face's supposed 'justification' for his insanity and throws it in his face.

I suppose why I appreciate it is that while some may find it exploititave of those with abnormalities, it actually addresses and repudiates something that's bugged me about the 'scarred villain' cliche. I know plenty of people with severe scars and abnormalities, physical and mental, who nonetheless live fulfilled, happy lives, probably more than a typical person. The idea that the acid thrown in his face is the sole reason for Harvey Dent's evil turn doesn't sit well with me. This book suggests it really revealed his true character.