A review by laurenl5876
Scream Site by Justina Ireland


There is no nice way I can express this: Awful.
Maybe I'm being so harsh because I'm low on sleep and didn't get my much needed coffee, but this book was such a disappointment.
The synopsis was so intriguing and sounded like the perfect Halloween read. I really expected something scary and gruesome. Instead I got a half hearted mystery chock full of blandness.

The writing right from the beginning was something I knew I would not be vibing with, but I wanted to push through to give this book a chance. After all, there had to be something promising? Nope. I was wrong. It was so much telling rather than showing. Instead of showing a character's fear, Ireland told us how scared the character was. It was lots of information that the reader could figure out, but instead I was thrown all of these statements that I already knew, because I read the book. It felt so elementary and simplistic. I honestly wondered if I mistook this book for a middle grade. (I like middle grade, but when expecting a thriller, I'd rather not read it in middle grade style)

The plot was also lackluster. There should have been more suspense and build, but in the end, I just didn't care when it came to the reveal. I wasn't shocked, and it felt so cliché.

I could spill the tea even more, but instead I'm going to get my coffee, because that seems like a good way to spend my time instead of ranting.