A review by libraryofdreaming
Jubilee Manor by Bethany Hagen


Some time after writing the above review I read Landry Park's sequel, Jubilee Manor, so I figured I would stick it into the same post. Jubilee Manor finishes up the series well. I still found the writing to be weak but the murder mystery kept me glued to the page in the way Landry Park's mystery failed to do for me in the first book. Various things I guessed to begin with paid off in a fairly believable way. The romance had its annoying bits unfortunately and I am still disappointed a shifty character never turned out to be a double cross, but I think I enjoyed this book more than the first. Bethany Hagen takes more risks in this book and I was very pleased she was daring enough to let a few things burn down (hinthint) in this book.

While some of the ending seemed like a quick fix, it was still satisfying and seemed if not completely realistic, pretty believable. Many things happened that I felt I could have written myself and I was happy with the author for seeing my way. With books like this and The Selection I feel like an author can fall in love with their premise too much to take it seriously. Bethany Hagen manages to escape this fate and I feel satisfied with how this series ended. I may not run out to read more of her work, but I still enjoyed this book even more than I thought I would.