A review by whimsicalmaria
Apostate: From Christianity to Islam in Times of Secularisation and Terror by Hamza Yusuf, Joram van Klaveren, Abdal Hakim Murad


This book is quite easy to read. I love how he systematically peeled off all the layers of hatred and misunderstanding, which developed into comprehension, conviction, and finally, conversion.

I could now see why is it that the West (some of them) hated Islam so much. Part of the reaso is what the Muslims living there have been doing (for eample honor killings and mass murder - AGAINST Islamic teachings!), and it does not help with the preconceived perception on this religion that has been spread since a few hundred years ago.

The book sounded very technical from the beginning, but the end was somewhat beautiful, I did not expect to shed a few tears because of this book!

“As I have mentioned several times in this book, this quest contains a strong rational component. Nevertheless, the heart and its influence on reason cannot be underestimated.”