A review by aromanticreadsromance
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender

This book is so lovely and I wish I had read it sooner! It stars Felix Love, a 17-year-old trans boy who, ironically, has never been in love but is desperate to experience it. Taking place over the course of one summer, he finds himself in an accidental love triangle with his best friend, Ezra, and his sworn enemy, Declan (who happens to be Ezra’s ex, and their ex-friend).

I loved the nuanced discussions on class, parental acceptance and love, and the fluidity of identity. (Bottom line: it’s okay if your identity changes over time!) It also touches on intersectionality (without ever using the word). Felix feels like he is one marginalization too many: Black, trans, and queer (and also working class, but that’s NYC for ya).

This book deals with HEAVY transphobia (it is a central plot point), but Kacen Callender writes it with the grace it deserves. Although Felix is deadnamed, we never find out his deadname, which I appreciated.

I DO feel like Felix ends up with the wrong person in the end... but no spoilers.

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