A review by copiouspep
Algorithmic Shapeshifting: Poems by Bogi Takács, Lisa M. Bradley


CW found in the back of the book: cissexism, imperialism, colonialism, self-harm, blood, body horror, insects, anti-migrant sentiment, warfare and violence, misogyny, gaslighting, genocide, anti-Semitism, racism, Nazism, death, police, and mention of firearms.

Ever since e started talking about this book on twitter, I was immediately interested. I love all types of poetry, no matter if they’re contemporary, historical, or science fiction based and this book had all of them with a strong sense of religion and being transgender at the core.

This was an amazing ownvoice poetry collection with beautiful descriptions and it felt like I was drawn into a different world with each poem. E has an amazing voice when it comes to word choice and how to portray eir experiences. It was a weird collection, but definitely in a good way.

Many of the poems seemed very personal but, especially the ones describing the trans and nonbinary experience, resonated strongly with me. A few collections talk about what it’s like to be autistic and the types of experiences many Jewish people face as they deal with racism while just trying to live their life. Others have a strong focus on nature and becoming more in tune with it.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the author and am leaving an honest review.