A review by stagasaurus
The Face of Trespass by Ruth Rendell


If you've just finished reading this on paper I'm imagining you probably skipped forward to check the dog was okay. I listened to the whole unabridged thing on book tapes in my car and couldn't do that. Oh, the painful, agonising, suspense!

Several times I pressed stop on the cassette because I couldn't bear it. You can see where it's going, what he's forgotten, what she's like and what she's going to do.

I must admit though, all that pain shows that Ruth Rendell really could envelop you in a story. Hell, I think she half suffocated me with this one. I wouldn't rush out for that sort of experience again but it shows a skill to make me care that much. I thought the bit with the father-in-law was very well done, but couldn't help being relieved the story was over.