A review by tifftiff4
Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway


Normally I would rarely pick up YA because I sometimes feel like I've reached the stage in life where I've outgrown these types of novels. I read [b:Emmy & Oliver|13132816|Emmy & Oliver|Robin Benway|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1414589813s/13132816.jpg|18309264] on a whim, and I can safely say I really enjoyed this book.

Emmy & Oliver dealt with some real issues, about growing up and realising that perhaps childhood can not last forever. It had some real, personable and relatable characters, that maybe everyone could somehow relate to when they were/or if you still are in high school.

Like some other reviewers mentioned, the cover was a bit deceiving, because although it had a smidgeon of romance, I too wouldn't really shelf this as a romance. It was more about family, friendships and how these relationships change throughout time.

In regards to the plot, I can empathise in the desperation behind the reasoning as to why Oliver's father kidnapped him, even though it was terribly wrong. Working in the family courts would suck big time, huh?

All in all, a great read.