A review by liesvanrompaey
Heaven's War by David S. Goyer


I found this book to be sublimely boring, full of factual mistakes, astoundingly stereotypical and most of all extremely sexist.

If this book had been written in the fifties I might have understood, but as that is not the case, it just makes me feel like throwing up. There are hardly any women and none are depicted in an even slightly interesting way. They are described as helpless, stupid, fearful, annoying, geeky, etc.

The men of course are brave, dependable, heroic, true martyrs, etc.

It's as if those men who wrote this book have never interacted with women in real life and only know them form books (and those probably written in the fifties).

Most science fiction authors have the decency to imagine a future world where women are more than stereotypes.

My heart weeps for anyone who thinks this a wonderful book.