A review by susanthebookbag
Any Luck at All: Asheville Brewing #1 by Denise Grover Swank, Angela Casella


I loved this story! Georgie and her siblings inherit the family brewery and none of them know what they are doing. Georgie did connect and bond with her grandfather before he passed away and, believe it or not, she wants to give the brewery a shot.

But she desperately needs River's help—he really knows the business—and is the only one who can turn it around. But..... no mixing business with pleasure, right? That's when the fun begins! The chemistry between Georgie and River is fireworks! And the fun is watching them trying to NOT light the match that will set the fireworks off.

There is also a huge, wonderful, zany cast of characters that kept me in stiches throughout the whole book. Oh, if only we all had friends like these! Some of the situations they got themselves into made me laugh out loud.

Book #2, Better Luck Next Time, comes out soon and I can't wait to go back and visit everyone again and see what they are all up to now.