A review by 13iscute
Children of Refuge by Margaret Peterson Haddix


Book Riot Read Harder Challenge 2019:
#9 A book published prior to January 1, 2019, with fewer than 100 reviews on Goodreads

SpoilerBook #2 in this series takes over from the point of view of Edwy. His parents smuggle him over the border to nearby Refuge City to hide with his older brother and sister. While there, he learns the ways of his words and that the Freds are aliens and that the people in Ref City lie and cheat and he is learning to fit right in. But the teachings of the Freds tug at him and he aches to know what has happened to his friend Rosi. With the help of his sister, he learns that Rosi was arrested and escaped from prison and has the two young kids with them. They know that the kids will never be able to get across the border, so Edwy, his brother and sister, and another girl from a Fredtown he met, go to rescue the others. They are successful at subduing four Enforcers, but at the end of the book, they find out that their escapade has caused Refuge City to be taken over by the Enforcers.

This book was faster and more engaging than the first one, maybe because I knew what was going on from the first book, so it didn't have to be so shadowy and evasive. But it was a lot of exposition and not a lot of action until the end. It was also sweet to see how much Edwy cared for Rosi, even though from her perspective you didn't think he cared too much. Why do all the characters have such unusual names?