A review by cala_p
Shadows of Lela by Tessonja Odette


Reviewed voluntarily and objectively

I have a love-hate relationship with this book. I love the whole unicorn, princess, magic thing. It’s a YA fantasy through and through. With unicorns! This book sets up a very interesting plot and kept me entertained throughout. It has a great cast of characters.

On the flip side, it took quite a few chapters for me to remember which character is which. We get perspectives from two very different princesses and two prince brothers, so yes, it takes a moment. I found that there was a lot of development within the book, but for a bit, I wasn’t following along. Suddenly things were happening. In the midst of the plot, Cora and Teryn get close but I found their relationship could have been better developed. Maybe a few more scenes of just them. I suppose fantasy books do not put a lot of stock into such scenes, so maybe it’s a genre thing.

All in all, it’s a good book and after that great ending, I look forward to seeing where the story goes next