A review by nicolemhewitt
Sandapalooza Shake-Up by Chris Grabenstein


For my full series review, visit my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

This book has the kids saving the motel once again, this time by participating in a sand contest and solving a string of crimes!

The series’ greatest strength is its madcap humor. Kids will get a kick out of all the crazy antics involved with saving the motel. The author weaves in a bit of a mystery surrounding the identity of P.T.’s father throughout the series, which adds a thread of continuity between the different books (though they could easily each be read on their own). Gloria’s intelligence and ingenuity are also a major plus. She’s a business whiz, and is always spouting random business terms that P.T. doesn’t understand. Middle grade readers can actually soak in a few of the fundamentals of business in these books, but they definitely won’t feel like they’re learning. Plus, the whole idea of living in a motel is just plain fun!

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher for review purposes. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***