A review by melodicfate
Picture Perfect by Alessandra Thomas


This book was such a good example of wonderfully relatable and real New Adult. I loved how it was about a girl who wasn't skinny and beautiful, at least in the fashion magazine way. It had great themes in it about having to love yourself before anyone else could, and how being beautiful doesn't mean you have to be thin.

Cat was such a good main character. I didn't like when she'd get overly depressed, but then she lost everything because of her accident. She hated the way she looked, and just wanted to be how she used to be. When Cat finally accepted that she had to deal with how depressed she was, I gladly watched her take charge and go talk to someone. This of course led her to the nude modeling job where she ran into Nate, who she'd previously met when her love interest from a year ago dumped her. Cat grew so much over the course of this novel, and I loved watching her do it. She grew from a depressed, self-conscious woman to someone who was confident and totally comfortable in her own skin. It was wonderful and motivating to read about.

I loved Nate, as well. He was so great for Cat. He took her rock climbing to make her feel good about herself, told her she looked great, and just generally did things to show her how beautiful she was, inside and out. I thought he was great, and when we learned his backstory, I was sad. But then, I understood why he acted how he did, and I ended up forgiving him, and hoping Cat would too.

As for the side characters, only Joey was very involved in the story. But then, she was a great character. I loved how she supported Cat through everything, and didn't hate that she gained weight. She wanted Cat to be happy in her own skin, and stood by her through thick and thin. Everyone needs friends like that, and I love how the author included such a wonderful friend in this story.

The plot of the novel was great. It was all about Cat finally figuring out how to be comfortable in her own skin. It had a lot to do with self-image, and figuring out that there is more than one type of beauty. I thought that that part was done extremely well. Then, of course, there was the romance between Nate and Cat. I thought their relationship was great, and couldn't wait to see if they got their happy ending. It all made for one totally interesting story that I couldn't put down.

All in all, this book was really good. I love the fact that it's a New Adult story too, because it's so real and relatable, especially for people in this age range. Everyone sees all these fashion magazines and supermodels all the time, and people wonder why they aren't like that. I think that this book should be read by a lot more people, because it has some really great themes in it. Not only that, it comes with a wonderful story about a girl finding her true self, and coming to terms with who that person is. Picture Perfect is definitely not a book you should miss, especially if you like the New Adult category.