A review by kiarrasayshi
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #2 by Dan Mora, Raúl Angulo, Jordie Bellaire


Warning: Kind of more of a rant. I really want to keep reading this new imagining and I am enjoying it in a way, but oh my GOSH I am getting so annoyed with Xander. It might make me a terrible person, but his "nobody loves me, let me cry about it online and alone in my room" spiel is really getting on my nerves. It's just so woe is me and obnoxious and to have that be the narration for this series is what's gonna get me to stop reading if it continues. I know I should care about a sad, lonely teenager, but I really just don't at this point. I came to this series for Buffy. Yes, I love the whole Scooby gang (which, honestly felt a bit early for that to be their group chat name, but idk what time has passed since this issue and the last), but this is the beginning of this version of the story. It seems weird that the titular character isn't the main character of her own story while we're still navigating this new world. It's not even that Xander is bumming me out, but seeing his boxes literally just make me go bleh and groan. I'm feeling pretty evil saying these things about a clearly depressed teenager, but that's just not what I came to this comic for. Still giving it three stars, I obviously don't hate it, I just needed a good rant about this one particular aspect and I don't know anyone else who's reading this series. But it's good. I'll keep reading and hopefully Xander will crack a joke or at least a smile.