A review by smalltownbookmom
A Whole Song and Dance by Sarvenaz Tash


This was an entertaining #ownvoices YA novel about Nasrin Mahdavi, an Iranian-American college freshman who is struggling to pursue her acting dreams, double major in theatre and business to please her parents and also keep her true love for drama hidden from them.

Feeling pulled in too many directions, Nasrin is increasingly feeling exhausted acting the token person of color part on a new show, seemingly competing with her cousin for the affections of her new boyfriend and trying to find a way to get her parent's acceptance.

Good on audio and recommended for fans of books like Emma Lord's When you get the chance or Sajni Patel's My sister's big fat Indian wedding. This was a bit dramatic for me at times but I still enjoyed it a lot. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early audio copy in exchange for my honest review.