A review by michalice
Flex by Ferrett Steinmetz


Going into Flex I knew what was going to happen, I ended up with a review copy of The Flux, not realising it was the second in a series. You can see from my review that I really enjoyed it, but felt like I had missed things out. Several audiobooks later I finally managed to listen to Flex, to get to see this series from the start and how it all began.

I thoroughly enjoyed Flex, I loved getting to see the characters before the events that changed them, seeing how friendships formed and how accidents happened. It was easy to fall into the world, and already knowing what was going to happen did help me see past the speed bumps along the way.

I love how this world just pens up before your eyes....or ears in this case, you get to see how one small act affects something else. Listening to Flex I really fell in love with Valentine. From the first meeting, to the very last word, the things she sacrifices for Paul and Aliyah, and how much she helps this family work through things.

Flex was just as amazing as The Flux, having this background information helps me make sense of the series so far, but also has me on countdown for the next installment.

Final Verdict
LOVED this one just as much as The Flux, and I really need to find out what happens next.