A review by buoymehome
Abby Spencer Goes to Bollywood by Varsha Bajaj

Ebook from NetGalley

Imagine, you're 13, you're having frozen yogurt with your bffs and suddenly after having eaten bits of your toppings, you go into anaphylactic shock. Turns out your allergic to coconut and that you're the only one in the family. Oh wait. Maybe your Dad or someone on his side is allergic ...

And thus begins the story of how Abby met her father.

Enters Naveen; Bollywood superstar, who upon discovering he has a daughter, invites her to come for a week in Mumbai.

What I really liked is that it gives snapshots of India and mainly Mumbai. The book is not about India, it's about a father daughter relationship. But it is a great excuse used by the author to give the reader an idea of India. An idea of Bollywood. And it is cleverly done in a way that, if i was a kid reading this book, I would go online and check things out. I think of this book as a good starting point for a kid that doesn't really know anything about India. By providing a very large scope, it allows the reader to have pointers.

I give it 4 stars, would be ok with 3.75.