A review by sierracook14
The Black Rhinos of Namibia: Searching for Survivors in the African Desert by Rick Bass


This book was a fascinating read, for Mr. Bass gives his readers an experience that everyone that has not traveled can follow, and even entrance you into wanting to travel to Africa. For his wording is simple, but his descriptions are beautifully poetic, he expresses his feelings and his views of his first African experience. He details the fantastic encounters of the wild Rhino and the people who are trying to help these creatures. He shows us the wild side, the side of wanting to preserve these creatures natural habitats and the animals themselves. He also gives us a view of the tourist side, the money side of things, that keep partially the country afloat and somewhat the company or owner afloat. He also gives many details of the actual land its self, and how magical Africa is, and how you have never felt an outer world experience until you go there. This book is quite an eye-opener and gives a more civilian outlook on a world that we know exists, but never knew truly to an extent on its existing wonders.
I highly recommed reading