A review by sgrizanti
Devil's Honor by Megan Crane


Megan Crane is just amazing. I loved the first book she wrote in the "Deacons of Bourbon Street" series and I'm so happy to see her come back to not only bikers, but Louisiana in a brand. new. series.

Greeley is a big, bad biker with the Devil's Keepers, a motorcycle club in the tiny town of Lagrange, Louisiana. Merritt is the girl who got away. He warned her not to come back, but she's in trouble and he's still the only person she can trust.

Crane does such an amazing job with plot & setting & character development, that it's hard to know where to start. First of all, Louisiana is so present its practically its own character in the book. Its steamy and seedy, more than a little bit dirty, and yet, its also home. The plot is super fast paced and while it does have some suspenseful elements, its definitely a story that's focused on Merritt & Greeley and not side plots. But, oh, the characters. Greeley is the consummate bad boy and you can't help but love him for it. He's rough and tough and incredibly hot. Merritt though, isn't a waif waiting on some guy to step in and fix everything for her. She's in trouble, sure, but she's also not a pushover.

Granted, this book won't appeal to everyone, and you'll understand that right from the first page. Greeley is an alpha male with a giant, capital 'A' and some of the exchanges between him and Merritt are a bit heavy handed. Still, I loved this and as always, can't wait to see what Crane comes out with next.

*Thank to Netgalley for a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.*