A review by spaceyfaerie
Are You Alone on Purpose? by Nancy Werlin


I like this book. At first, I wasn’t sure what to make of it, and thought Harry was a jerk (which he was at first), but then as I continued, the book grew on me.
I’m going to get my real quick dislike with this book out first. There was some ‘f’ bombs, my personal annoyance. But not as much as in some of the author’s other books that I’ve read, for which I was grateful. And really nothing about sex, which again extremely grateful because I really don’t care to read about that sort of stuff.
The rest of the story was interesting in the fact that it is very real. That’s the one thing I like about this author, is she isn’t afraid to write about the hard things in life. And I’ve honestly learned quite a bit from reading her books, and I appreciate the way she tells people about life through her stories.
This book was shorter than her others, but it still felt complete despite it’s length. I thought the whole thing between Alison and Harry was cute in the end, because Harry finally cleaned up his act and became nice and yeah. And then the whole issue between Alison and her parents…when I read her parent’s letters in the end, I was this close to tears. Which for me, meant I was bawling my eyes out, but really, they were just so amazing and so true.
So in the end, it was actually a pretty cute read, but it was also realistic, sobering, and just overall a good glimpse into the lives of people suddenly handicapped and the living with an autistic sibling. And despite my few dislikes at a few parts, I finished this book with a smile.