A review by wentingthings
Six Shorts 2017: The finalists for the 2017 Sunday Times EFG Short Story Award by Victor Lodato, Bret Anthony Johnston, Kathleen Alcott, Sally Rooney, Richard Lambert, Celeste Ng

borrowed this after Conversations because of the rooney story which is a delicious slice of chocolate cake after all the others that i liked to varying degrees. uncritically: fascinated by the turns of 'reputation management' & slow creep of second-hand horror, weird ending; grew up watching every horse movie made for children so a very different relationship then atlee of 'half of what atlee rouse knows about horses,' but of course loved everything in it about horses, and secrets; skimmed 'hazel twig and olive tree' as am impatient reader without tolerance for dryness; intrigued by 'the tenant' then really conflicted upon discovering lodato authored MATILDA SAVITCH; didn't quite believe the main character's memory particulars in 'every little thing,' but the spot-on teenager-mother dynamics oh my god. and then, delicious cake which managed to be exactly what i wanted to eat & yet also a wonderful wrenched surprise