A review by leafyshivers
Anything We Love Can Be Saved by Alice Walker


This is the first book by Walker I've read (closely followed by The Color Purple). I was surprised (for some reason) by how "easy" these mostly-brief essays were to read. In one sense, anyway: they're simple in terms of their language, but not their ideas. Walker is completely unafraid to say clearly and radically what she believes the world needs to hear. Her great power in these essays lies in:
a) her considerable experiential knowledge in the realms of activism, advocacy, and (needless to say) being a Black woman (and wife, mother, and friend) in a white supremacist society
b) her ability to share her emotions, doubts, weakness, alongside her confidence and strength, in a way that makes me feel like we're having tea together and she's just giving me the straight-up.

Thank you, Alice Walker, for sharing your determination and talent and belief in a better world.