A review by maryehavens
Salty, Bitter, Sweet by Mayra Cuevas


It was like watching Top Chef: Apprentice edition but in a book. I loved it. All the food descriptions - magnificent.
I also really understood Isa's journey as she discovered what she really wanted out of life, especially uncovering that she was not really made for the Michelin world (or the kind of Michelin world where everyone is yelling and backstabbing each other) and that was o.k. I've had a lot of black and white thinking in my life, especially in my younger years. "Be the best, what's the best, find it out and do that, don't let anything get in your way" kind of thinking. It's interesting that the Olympics is occurring right now; definite parallels in Isa's journey and these top athletes, like Diego's own journey in the book. I read an article the other day on Simone Biles' exit from the team gymnastics round and her support of her team versus a Russian tennis player's meltdown on the court (throwing racket, etc.). The article talked about the mental pressure and how people handle it. "Salty, Bitter, Sweet" has similar components during their competition.
It's funny to me that the author's note was all about healing broken families and grief. TBH: I was just here for the food! But, that tells you how great this book is. I found a food journey and a healing in Isa's journey in acceptance while the author wrote it about broken families. Something for everyone!! Check it out - I am eagerly looking for other Cuevas works!