A review by quoththegirl
A Graveyard for Lunatics by Ray Bradbury


Next up! A Graveyard for Lunatics: Another Tale of Two Cities by Ray Bradbury. No matter how much I read, there always seems to be more Bradbury out there. I was a little thrown by this one, I’ll admit. Bradbury writes vibrantly, forcefully, and rapidly: this is excellent in a short story. In a novel, though, it’s occasionally disorienting. I honestly wasn’t quite sure what was happening at times, there were so many exclamation marks, italics, and oblique references being thrown around. (One can’t be too poetic in conveying that a character is dead, or one’s audience wonders whether he is physically or only metaphorically dead.) Things did sort themselves out in the end so that I ultimately enjoyed the novel, but the initial feeling of being bogged down by enthusiasm was a new and unpleasant one for me. Not his best novel, certainly.